Monday, February 28

The Look For WAY Less!

While casually walking around the local H&M outlet, after work, with my coffee in one hand and camera in the other (because that's how I spend my after-work time), I just so happen to find, what I thought was the cutest summer skirt ever!

It's got that perfect combination of cute, girly, funky and sophisticated.

Maybe it's because about 90% of my wardrobe is now black, white, or khaki (thanks to that lovely EX-work-dress-code) that kept me from shopping that day.

Or maybe it was that price tag? It wasn't so cute OR sophisticated. Actually, it was downright funky at almost thirty bucks.

Fast forward. Now we're casually walking around the local Kohl's store and perusing the clearance racks, searching for the cheapest finds (because that's how we spend our Saturday mornings). And we just so happen to stumble upon this baby:

Similar skirt. Similar style. Similar perfect combination of cute, girly, funky and sophisticated.
Much different price tag, at a stunning $4.40. Yep.

There you have it!
The same gorgeous look, for way way less.
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