Wednesday, December 21

SHE'S ALIIIIIIIVE!!! (and shopping!!)

So, I know that I haven't been the most active blogger around here on Canny Chic these days. But, I promise I have a good excuse. You see, I've really tried this whole not shopping thing, lately. And it's been working...okay..not really. But there has been an effort! 

In fact, I broke down and did some shopping today! You can see what I bought in the video above =)

My best advice for fellow shoppers is to go armed with your coupons! 
And the best way to receive them? Store Email Lists!
This season, when a cashier asks "Can we have your email?" Don't hesitate to hand it over. Providing your email allows you to receive coupons (as well as sale alerts) that you can use on online as well as in-store purchases. Even if a store already has your email address, sometimes providing the information again refreshes your email in their server and allows them to send you new, and sometimes more frequent, coupons!

What have you purchased lately??


  1. Woot for coupons! :) I love shopping, and I can do some serious damage in stores. I've had to keep it in check since I've gotten married and had someone to "report back" to. Ha ha. Congrats on all your shopping finds! :)

  2. I only shop when I have a store coupon. Old Navy is the best! They have so many roational offers it's ridiculous!

  3. I love that blue blouse! And I wish I saw that blue section in Forever 21 back then. I'm IN LOVE with that color :) It looks like you found some good deals and great items!

    xo, gina

  4. Hahaha I made it all the way through Jan without buying anything and then caved in Feb. But I only bought two things... so I'm back on the wagon now until June! hahah


    With Love From Michigan

  5. gahhhhhh. i wish i had money!!!! haha.
    love your blog.


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