Tuesday, December 14

When taking an innocent trip to Kohl's last week, to pay off that tricky charge card, I came across the cutest top, that I hadn't seen in any other Kohl's store, as of yet (I am what you might call a Kohl's connoisseur...but this is besides the point). Despite my Shopping Buddy's attempts to talk me out of the spontaneous purchase, I just HAD to have it, so I splurged!
The lace around the middle continued around the shirt, so it is visible from the back as well as the front. My favorite part of the new deal? Off-the-shoulder! Most of the pieces hanging in my closet are slightly more conventional and are undoubtedly two-sleeved. Once I got home to try on my new find, I realized that there probably was more than one reason for my conventionality's.
The problem is, I have no place to where the one-armed wonder. At work, I have to look "professional", so both sleeves are required. At school, I must also look (you got it!) professional... When would I wear this completely impractical shirt?! Nowhere.
With this realization, I had to choice but to return my new baby back to the department store.
Later that evening, I was surfing some online stores, and I stopped when I saw the most ironic (and cutest!) thing ever: the same exact shirt being sold at Tilly's, for one dollar less, and (here's the kicker) it had TWO sleeves!!! Now, I'm not a fan of ordering much online, so I rushed over to the nearest Tilly's outlet the next day in search of the top. And guess what??
I found it!!!
Well, actually, my Shopping Buddy did. But I was so excited I looked over to see  her smiling and waving the shirt high above hear head (we do our own kind of victory dance!).

The whole outfit was under $60!
Top (Tilly's, $14), Jeans (Deila's brand, from Goodwill, $5) Boots (Kohl's, $40)

Where have YOU shopped lately?


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