Sunday, November 21

Lush Product Review

You might remember a few weeks ago, when my Shopping Buddy and I hit a shopping happy hour at our local mall and picked up lots of free goodies.  Some of these goodies being sample sized products from Lush Handmade Cosmetics. I've read about Lush products before in other bloggers' posts, but I hadn't tried any of them yet-until now! The samples came in the cutest containers, which I am definitely saving - even though I've used up all of their contents.

For the past few days I've been using their Daddy-O Shampoo. I liked the way it made my hair feel clean and soft. It smells slightly soapy, though (which I can't decide if I enjoy or not). Overall, I really liked it though. So I decided to go to the store and price a bottle. The representative informed me it was made for blondes (which might explain why it made my hair so shiny, this week!). For a 17 oz bottle, expect to pay around $28.00.

I was also given some Flying Fox Body Wash. Personally, I didn't like it. Maybe I got a bad batch, but it smelled more like Grandma than anything "foxy". The scent sticks all day if you like it, you'll be glad to know that a body mist is not necessary, the days you use it. Colorful nose plugs to match your friends' outfits, however, may be. It's about $27.00 for 17oz.

I've also been using the Rub Rub Rub body scrub, this week. I absolutely love the way it smells: clean and soft. This would be a great gift idea to any Beauty-Buff on your holiday shopping list. A 12 oz bottle costs about $18.00.

When I went to the Lush store to explore, I found a bunch of products that might be worth a try. Here's my top 5 list of items to check out:

1. Dr. Peppermint Solid Shampoo

Happy Experimenting!

1 comment:

  1. I always hear about Lush, but was too scared to try them haha their products all look interesting. I should definitely experiment tho. I might end up liking them haha.


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